Aunt Daisy Scientific

EBSD = Electron Backscatter Diffraction.

Scientific software, hardware, electron microscopy..

What we do

Crystallographic software, data visualisation & analysis, hardware drivers, hardware design...

  • Write crystallographic code
  • Design hardware in Solidworks
  • Research
  • Training, manuals, books
  • 3D printing
  • Drink too much tea

What we offer


EBSD, science, electron microscopy...

Scientific software

Crystallographic, data visualisation & analysis, hardware drivers...

SEM detector development

Over 30 years of experience with EBSD, crystallographic & scientific software, hardware design, SEM interfacing, scientific instrumentation.

Publications & people

Key Publications

  • Spherical Kikuchi Maps and Other Rarities, chapter 5 in Electron Backscatter Diffraction in Materials Science, 2nd edition, (2009), editors Adam J Schwartz et al., Springer US. Link
  • Towards high accuracy calibration of electron backscatter diffraction systems, K Mingard, A P Day, C Maurice, P Quested, Ultramicroscopy (2011) vol 111, issue 5, pp 320-329. Link
  • Many-beam dynamical simulation of electron backscatter diffraction patterns, A.Winkelmann, C.Trager-Cowan, F.Sweeney, A.P.Day and P.Parbrook (2007), Ultramicroscopy 107 414-421. Link
  • Spherical EBSD, A P Day, (2008), Journal of Microscopy, Volume 230 Issue 3, Pages 472 – 486. Link
  • Electron backscatter diffraction and electron channeling contrast imaging of tilt and dislocations in nitride thin films, C.Trager-Cowan, F.Sweeney, P.W.Trimby, A.P.Day, et al. (2007), Physical Review B: Condensed Matter 75. Link
  • Three-dimensional texture analysis, JJL Mulders, AP Day, Materials Science Forum, 2005, 495-497, pages 237-242. Link

  • Dr Austin Day

    Linked in Linked In page Research gate Research Gate
  • 30 years working on EBSD, crystallographic & scientific software, hardware & detector design, SEM interfacing, scientific instrumentation.
  • Over 20 years experience of EBSD training / teaching.
  • Installed >30 EBSD systems worldwide & trained hundreds of users.
  • Ran research & development for major EBSD manufacturer; customer support for over 3 years; software group for ~2 years.
  • Long term collaborations with the National Pysical Laboratory on EBSD projects & researchers / Universities, e.g. Oxford , St Étienne, Strathclyde, Montpelier.
  • Member of the BSI committee on SEM standards (ISO TC202); contributed to both EBSD standards (ISO 24173 & ISO 13067).
  • >40 Scientific papers. Application notes, manual writing.

  • Frances Day, BSc, MSc

  • BSc Physics Kings College, London;
  • MSc Radiation and Environmental Protection, University of Surrey, Guildford.
  • 6 years at the National Physical Laboratory, Teddington, working on Tritiated water standardisation and international intercomparisons (1994-1996 Euromet comparison).
  • Qualified maths teacher.

  • George Day, BSc

  • BSc Physics, University of Warwick;
  • C# software
  • Contact Us

    Aunt Daisy Scientific Ltd.
    Old Coach House, The Cross, Clearwell (near Coleford), GL16 8JT, United Kingdom
    Google maps link E-mail Phone: 0044 (0)1594 835920